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Our Custom Ink Fundraising Campaign Has Closed

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Widow's World Graphics

Organized by chrystina betts
Widow's World Graphics Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - front
Widow's World Graphics Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - back
Widow's World Graphics shirt design - zoomed
Bella Juniors Tank

Help Raise Funds For Education

Custom Ink
All funds raised will go to chrystina betts, the organizer for school.
500 goal
Thanks to our supporters!
Bella Juniors Tank, Ladies - Chocolate
Bella Juniors Tank
Ladies - Chocolate
Organized by chrystina betts

About this campaign

I would love to go to school for graphics design, but first I need to get a G.E.D., I qualify for help with tuition only if I first get my G.E.D . in which I need your help .

talententryround3jpgI am passionate about pursuing a career in design, in order to do so I need help paying for G.E.D classes, I your willing to help me out just know it would be worth it. I love doing anything creative. I always been a creative person but in order to use my creativity to be successful I must take the nessacary steps, and with your help I can do so.


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