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The Summer of Fun Fund!

Organized by Kelly Ospina
The Summer of Fun Fund! Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - front
The Summer of Fun Fund! Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - back
The Summer of Fun Fund! shirt design - zoomed
Gildan Ultra Cotton T-shirt

Help me raise money for a pool membership for my former foster kids!

Custom Ink
All funds raised will go to Kelly Ospina, the organizer for The summer of fun fund.
50 goal
Thanks to our supporters!
Gildan Ultra Cotton T-shirt, Unisex - Red
Gildan Ultra Cotton T-shirt
Unisex - Red
Organized by Kelly Ospina

About this campaign

I fostered three kids for almost two years. While they were with me the foster care system funded sports camp, swimming lessons and gymnastics. We were also able to swim all summer at the local pool.

One year later
I am happy to report that the kids are happy, healthy, doing great in school and very, very very happy to back with their mom once again. Things are going great, but the family can't afford to do all the activities they did last summer.

When you purchase a tee shirt a portion of the purchase price will go to funding activities for all three kids again this summer, specifically a family membership at the local swim club.

Most people think of foster care as a bad thing, but in reality it exists to give kids safe, stable homes where they all they have to worry about is being kids while the adults in their families work through difficult issues. One of the side-benefits of foster care is the State funds activities, so kids often get to experience new things that they might not have gotten to try before. However, when kids go home those activities stop.

I fostered three kids for almost two years. While they were with me the foster care system funded sports camp, swimming lessons and gymnastics. We were also able to swim all summer at the local pool.

My kids went home last year, just in time for school to start. I am happy to report that they are happy, healthy, doing great in school and very happy to be back with their mom once again. Things are going great, but the family can't afford to do many of the fun activities the kids had access to in foster care.

When you purchase a tee shirt a portion of the purchase price will go to funding activities for all three kids again this summer. If we meet our goal we will raise enough money for the family to join the local pool again this summer, and for the youngest child, age four, to take swimming lessons (his sisters are already strong swimmers). If enough extra people buy shirts, or if some folks make an additional donation, we can give them some extras, like poolside snacks, swimsuits, sunblock and all the gear that kids need at the pool.

I'm sure you're wondering why this is so important to me, personally, so let me take a moment to explain. While the foster care system exists to help families, being separated from their parents is hard on kids. I did my best to use the resources available to me as a foster parent to make as many fun memories as I could with the kids, but I was also there for all the tears and sadness when they were missing their mommy. Nothing can replace the two years of lost time with their family, or make up for the two summers that they didn't get to do fun things with their mom. But, with your help, we can give them a summer of fun so they and their mom can make beautiful new memories together.

Some of my best summer memories growing up involved swimming at our local swim club, and I really enjoyed spending that time with the kids at the pool. I would like their mom to get a chance to do that with them, too.

If you used to love doing the cannonball, or playing Marco Polo on a hot summer day, this is your chance to pay it forward to three little kids who I know will cherish every single second of splishy, splashy fun. :)

Thank you for helping three kids very close to my heart make the kind of summer memories that last a lifetime.


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