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We Did It! Our Custom Ink Fundraising Campaign Has Closed

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Hope Dealer Friendraiser

Organized by Amy Williams
Hope Dealer Friendraiser Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - front
Hope Dealer Friendraiser Fundraiser - unisex shirt design - back
Hope Dealer Friendraiser shirt design - zoomed
Hanes Tagless T-shirt

Help me to impact the hood one kid at a time!

Custom Ink
All funds raised will go to Amy Williams, the organizer for Hope Dealer Outreach Ministry.
$320 raised
23 items sold of
200 goal
Thanks to our supporters!
Hanes Tagless T-shirt, Unisex
Hanes Tagless T-shirt
Organized by Amy Williams

About this campaign

"Will you partner with me and I'll repay you with impacted lives?" (P.Jackson quote) Help me as I walk life with and invest in young people in gangs and the prison system that many consider throw-aways but GOD says "I created you for a purpose!" ...and THAT is my purpose!

22765_307139636434_6654164_njpgFOR ALMOST TWENTY YEARS, I have been involved in youth ministry in one form or the other...but my most favorite (and hardest) time has been the last 5-6 years when I intentionally moved into a gang infested neighborhood in Chicago to walk life with some pretty amazing yet hardened and hurting young people. I wasn't there to save the hood or bring God there (He was already there) but I was called to simply be a "light in a kid's darkness." My life has changed since I have become a part of their community and since they have let me into their lives. My desire is to let them know there is a God that adores them, that He has created them for a purpose and that I can be a safe place and resource for them to live a life they were created for...the beauty of it has been that they have taught me many things as well, impacting my life forever.

For more info on my story, visit my website at

-I do this from my own pocket (when I am able).
-I do this with help from many wonderful people who give of their resources - from free tickets, to free food, to free services to free space.
-I do this CREATIVELY when I have no resources, money, etc.
-I do this trusting God to provide...and He has!


God has opened some pretty amazing doors lately for my boyz on da block but I need some additional funding to continue the work:
- A local church has offered their church van to help transport youth whenever/wherever is needed - free
- The same church has suggested offering office space AND meeting space for my youth - free (in talks now)
- I am meeting next week with the pastor of church that has a basketball gym that is rarely used with hopes that I can use it for my youth (and expand to other youth in the area for open gym and tourneys)
- I desire to use the space or my home to start an afterschool tutoring/ homework PLUS fun activity during the winter months
...and I have a million other things I want to do for the youth in my community



Adela Diaz 1 item
Shanya Gray 1 item
Kelli Kelderhouse 1 item
Liana Zuniga 1 item
Amy Williams 1 item
Matt Rowe 1 item
Sean Goode 1 item
Doran Wright 1 item
Dwayne Grant 1 item
Cheri Wellman 1 item


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